Online Classes

There Must Be A Better Way Than This

This 2-hour class will help participants understand dementia and the challenging behaviors that sometimes accompany the disease. We will review strategies to help handle these behaviors and help enhance your communication with the person who has dementia. Registration is only open to non-professional caregivers (family members and friends).

Medical Myths

All about heart disease

This week’s edition of Medical Myths will focus its beams on the many half-truths and misconceptions that surround heart disease. Among other topics, we cover smoking, coughing, exercising, supplements, and statins.

1. Young people do not need to worry about heart disease

It is true that heart disease is more likelyTrusted Source to affect people over the age of 65, but 4–10% of heart attacks occur in people under the age of 45 years, mainly in men. In addition, it is how we live our lives as children, adolescents, and adults that lays the groundwork for heart health as we age.

For instance, eating a diet that is high in trans and saturated fats or smoking tobacco slowly increases the risk of heart disease as we age. Changes to lifestyle today build the foundation for a healthier heart in later life.

In the U.S. as a whole, heart disease mortality has slowly dropped since the 1970sTrusted Source, although the trend seems to be slowingTrusted Source. However, in some regions, rates have increased.

One study that investigated heart disease mortality in different age groups in the U.S. found that “over 50% of counties [experienced] increases in heart disease mortality from 2010 through 2015 among adults aged 35–64 years.”

2. People should avoid exercise if they have heart disease

This is a myth. Exercise helps strengthen the heart muscle and improve blood flow around the body.

In August 2020, the European Society of Cardiology published guidelines on exercise in patients with cardiovascular disease. Prof. Sanjay Sharma, who was involved in creating the guidelines, explains:

“The chance of exercise triggering a cardiac arrest or heart attack is extremely low.” However, he also adds a note of caution: “People who are completely inactive and those with advanced heart disease should consult their doctor before taking up sports.”


3. I take cholesterol-lowering drugs, so I can eat whatever I like

Some drugs, such as statins, reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood. However, this does not mean that a person who is taking statins can consume foods containing saturated fats with abandon.

Cholesterol is either consumed in the food that you eat or produced in the liver. Statins block an enzyme in the liver that is necessary for producing cholesterol, reducing overall blood cholesterol levels. However, this means that ingested cholesterol can still make it into the blood.

In short, statins may just be able to override the adverse effectsTrusted Source of a poor diet, but a poor diet will increase risk of other independent risk factors for heart disease, such as obesityhypertension, and diabetes.

4. Heart disease runs in my family, so there is nothing I can do to stop it

If close family members have experienced heart disease, it could mean that you have an increased riskTrusted Source. However, it is not set in stone, and there are a number of ways to reduce the risk, even for people with a genetic susceptibility.

These includeTrusted Source eating a healthful diet, stopping smoking, managing blood pressure, and exercising regularly.

It is also worth noting that if heart disease runs in the family, it may not be a sign of genetic susceptibility. Families tend to share lifestyle factors, such as diet and exercise habits, both of which can impact the risk of heart disease.


5. Vitamins can prevent heart disease

Although most vitamins, taken at the recommended doses, are unlikely to be bad for heart health, there is no evidence that taking any vitamin supplements can reduce the risk of heart disease. And they certainly cannot replace a healthful diet and regular exercise.

For instance, a systematic review and meta-analysis looked for associations between multivitamin and mineral supplements and a number of cardiovascular outcomes, including coronary heart disease and stroke.

The analysis, published in 2018Trusted Source, took data from 18 existing studies, including 2,019,862 participants.

The authors concluded that multivitamin and mineral “supplementation does not improve cardiovascular outcomes in the general population.”

According to Victoria Taylor, the nutrition lead at the British Heart Foundation: “There are no shortcuts when it comes to nutrition — supplements are not a replacement for healthy food. You might be prescribed a vitamin or mineral supplement by a health professional for other reasons, but we do not recommend people take multivitamins to help prevent heart and circulatory diseases.”


6. I have smoked for years, there is no point stopping now

This is a myth. Smoking tobacco is a major causeTrusted Source of heart disease. As soon as a person stops smoking, the health benefits begin. The National Institute on AgingTrusted Source write:

“It doesn’t matter how old you are or how long you’ve been smoking, quitting smoking at any time improves your health. When you quit, you are likely to add years to your life, breathe more easily, have more energy, and save money.”

They also explain that you will lower the risk of heart attack and stroke and have better circulation.


7. Heart disease only really affects men

This is a myth, as heart disease is the leading cause of death in both men and women. In 2017 in the U.S., 24.2%Trusted Source of men and 21.8%Trusted Source of women died from heart disease.

However, when strokes, which have similar risk factors, are added in, the figures are even more similar between men and women: 28.7%Trusted Source of men and 28%Trusted Source of women died from heart disease or stroke.

It is a common misconception that only men are affected by heart disease. It is true that men tend to develop cardiovascular disease at an earlier age than women and have a greater risk of coronary heart disease. However, women have a higher risk of stroke.

One paper explains, “Although the incidence of [cardiovascular disease] in women is usually lower than in men, women have a higher mortality and worse prognosis after acute cardiovascular events.”


8. Cardiac arrest and heart attack are the same

Heart attacks and cardiac arrests are not the same thing. A heart attack is a circulation problem. It occurs when the coronary artery, which carries oxygenated blood to the muscles of the heart, becomes blocked.

A cardiac arrest is an “electrical problem,” where the heart stops pumping blood around the body effectively. Cardiac arrests are often caused by a heart attack.

During a heart attack, an individual is likely to be conscious. During a cardiac arrest, they are almost always unconscious. Both are a medical emergency.


9. Coughing during a heart attack can save your life

According to some sources, coughing vigorously during a heart attack — so-called cough CPR — can save your life.

This is an internet distortion of a paperTrusted Source published over 40 years ago, which showed that patients who had a cardiac arrest during arteriography in hospital and who coughed every 1–3 seconds stayed conscious for an additional 39 seconds.

There is no evidence that this technique works in the community for heart attacks that are not induced by medical procedures.

According to Christopher Allen, a senior cardiac nurse:

“The absolute priority when you think you or someone else is having a heart attack is to call [the emergency services]. This way, paramedics can assess and aid you, and you’ll get to hospital as fast as possible. There is no medical evidence to support ‘cough CPR.’”

10 People with heart disease should avoid eating all fat

A person with cardiovascular disease certainly should reduce their intake of saturated fats — which are found in foods such as butter, biscuits, bacon, and sausages — and partially hydrogenated and trans fats, which are found in foods such as baked goods, frozen pizzas, and microwave popcorn.

However, unsaturated fats can provide benefits. For instance, there is some evidence that omega-3, which is a polyunsaturated fat, might protectTrusted Source heart health.

The American Heart AssociationTrusted Source recommend “that all adults eat fish (particularly fatty fish) at least 2 times a week. Fish is a good source of protein and is low in saturated fat. Fish, especially oily species like mackerel, lake trout, herring, sardines, albacore tuna, and salmon, provide significant amounts of the two kinds of omega-3 fatty acids shown to be cardioprotective, [eicosapentaenoic acid] and [docosahexaenoic acid].”

They also recommend eating plant-derived omega-3 fatty acids. These can be found in tofu and other forms of soybeans; walnutsflaxseeds, and their oils; and canola oil.

Take Home:

Heart disease is common, but it is not inevitable. There are lifestyle changes that we can all implement to reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular problems, whatever our age.

By Tim Newman on February 15, 2021 10 myths about heart disease (

Best of the Best 2023!

Ballots are tallied and Maintain Me was voted Best of 2023 for Senior Services. 

Voting was March 1st-April 15th by your local community. 

Colorado Community Media's (Arvada Press, Golden & Jeffco Transcripts, Westminster Window, Northglenn-Thornton Sentinel, etc.) annual magazine published June 29th to over 315,000 homes. 

To search the best of the best services in your area click the link below...

Learn to Avoid Trips and Falls

Older adults can learn to avoid trips and falls plus schedule a mobility assessment through the Douglas County Health Department. This important topic will be discussed on Thursday, June 1st at the Seniors’ Council of Douglas County meeting held at the Douglas County Miller Building, Conference Rooms A&B, in Castle Rock.  The meeting is from 10 – 11:30 am and is free and open to the public.

Clara and Ollie were living a calm retirement when a fall changed their lives.  

Clara was 75 years old and in good health when she tripped on a loose rug, fell, and broke her wrist. The injury required surgery and a cast. The related pain required medication. 

One night, after getting home from the hospital, Clara got up from bed. As she stood,  her head began to swim. Lightheaded from the pain medication, Clara fell again. This time, she hit her head on the bedside table and suffered a fatal brain injury. Ollie was devastated by the loss of his wife, and he died the next year from a broken heart.  

For older adults, a fall can be life-altering.  Each year, nearly 3 million older adults nationwide are treated in emergency departments for injuries sustained during a fall.  Helping Douglas County’s 52,000 adults over age 65 prevent falls is a priority for the new Douglas County Health Department.  

“As we began planning for our new health department, we asked our community what they wanted from public health,” said Michael Hill, director of the Douglas County Health  Department. “Based on community engagement and research, we saw that injury  prevention was one of the top three needs in our community.” 

Healthcare professionals and public health agencies are working together to better understand  what leads to falls, including some of the realities our older adults face, such as: 

  1. Decreased strength, conditioning, and balance

  2. Side effects of medications, both prescribed and over-the-counter 3. Limited vision and hearing

  3. Hazards in/around the home, such as stairs, rug, and uneven sidewalks or floors

What can older adults do? Laura Larson and Dr. Owen Stene, Douglas County Health Department, will discuss the plan to prevent older adults from injury-related falls as well as introduce the new Health Department’s priorities, at the June 1st Seniors’ Council meeting. 

The Douglas County Health Department is committed to providing person-centered care that supports overall health and well-being for older residents. The department is located at 410 S. Wilcox Street, Suite 103, in Castle Rock and can be contacted at 720-643-2400.  

Seniors’ Council of Douglas County serves and advocates for older adults. Information and updates are available at – search for Seniors’ Council. Our signature event for older adults, Vintage & Vibrant, is planned for Saturday, September 28 in Parker.  Details and updates can be found on our website.

Medicare Fraud

Unfortunately, Medicare fraud is on the rise. One type of Medicare fraud that is especially common nowadays is fraudulent billing for sham tests, equipment, and procedures. This type of fraud is very lucrative to fraudsters. Moreover, since it doesn’t directly affect Medicare beneficiaries’ bottom line, it often goes unnoticed by the public. Typically, the United States Department of Justice must step in to investigate and prosecute these cases. And the consequences are dire. Medicare fraud costs the government billions of dollars and results in higher premiums for everyone. It can also affect the health coverage you receive. However, there is an easy way you can help contribute to the successful prosecution of these cases. Keep reading if you are interested in being the strongest link.

Here is a quick synopsis of some of these scams. The government loses about $100 billion dollars each year to Medicare fraud. This includes billing for phony COVID tests, billing for wheelchairs for patients who don’t need them or who don’t even exist, and fake tests, including fake cancer screenings. And it’s easy. For example, one can repackage the same pills and sell them back and forth amongst providers and patients who are in on the scheme, all while billing Medicare as if these were new batches of pills and new patients being provided services. One South Florida man who used to make a living ripping off Medicare said to reporters at CNBC that “[i]t’s just so easy. It’s unbelievable.” While this man was ultimately caught and entered a plea deal where he had to serve 3 years in prison, he raked in millions of dollars before then. 

You might be asking how this can be stopped when it is so prevalent. The answer is easy. You, the Medicare Beneficiary, can check your Medicare Summary Notice (MSN) and Explanation of Benefits (EOB) to confirm that the services billed were received by you. For those that don’t know, MSNs and EOBs are given to all Medicare beneficiaries and explain what the health care provider billed for, the amount approved by Medicare, what Medicare paid and what the beneficiary might be billed. By checking these notices on receipt, you can catch services that were billed to Medicare by fraudsters that you didn’t receive or that were more costly than the service you received. 

Once you catch these instances of fraud, it is easy to report them. Simply report them to your local SMP, who can analyze them and refer them to the appropriate law enforcement agency. For you Colorado readers out there, your local SMP is the Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies, Division of Insurance, and you can call them at 1-800-503-5190. If you don’t want to report the suspected fraud to your SMP, you can also call local law enforcement, call 1-800-Medicare, or call the US Department of Health and Human Services Office of the Inspector General (OIG). You can reach the OIG by calling 1-800-HHS-TIPS (1-800-447-8477).

And of course, you can always call Benefits in Action if you need to learn more about Medicare fraud and how to report it. We are a Senior Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP) site. Our unbiased SHIP counselors can provide information about Medicare fraud. Not only that, but Benefits in Action also provides a host of other services as well. So, if you are interested in learning more about Medicare fraud or the other services provided by Benefits in Action, call 720-221-8354 or email Until next month, stay healthy and stay safe.

Medicare Fraud 2023 (

How Hot is Too Hot?

The human body may lose the ability to rid of excessive heat and stop functioning optimally when outside temperatures reach beyond 40 degrees Celsius (104 Fahrenheit), according to new research from the University of Roehampton in England.

The thermoneutral zone is a range of temperatures in which the body doesn’t have to increase its metabolic rate or exert more energy to maintain its ideal core temperature of 37℃elsius or 98.6 Fahrenheit.

Studies show that the zone’s lower limit is 28℃ or 82.4FTrusted Source. Below this, the body expends more energy to maintain its ideal temperature. One of the keys ways it does this is by shivering — when key muscle groups involuntarily contract to produce heat.

At higher temperatures, the body uses other mechanisms to cool down, such as sweating and vasodilation of blood vessels at the skin surface to increase heat loss.

However, while the thermoneutral zone’s lower range has been established, its upper limit is still uncertain.

One study suggests that the upper limit may stand at around 32℃ (89.6F) as this is when humans start to sweat. Another study, however, noted that the metabolic rate starts to increase at 40℃ (104F).

Further research into the upper limit of the thermoneutral zone could inform policies on working conditions, sports, medication, and international travel.

As a follow-up study of a 2021 investigationTrusted Source, researchers at the University of Roehampton in England conducted a second set of experiments to investigate the upper limit of the thermoneutral zone.

They found that the thermoneutral zone’s upper limit likely lies between 40℃ (104F) and 50℃ (122F).

“The findings appear to shed more precise light upon the body’s responses to sustained heat and humidity, and upon both the nature and mechanisms of enhanced metabolic rate that also arise in response to such conditions,” Dr. J. Wes Ulm, a bioinformatic scientific resource analyst, and biomedical data specialist at the National Institutes of Health, not involved in the study, told Medical News Today.

Researchers recently presented the new findings at the annual conference of Society for Experimental Biology in Edinburgh, Scotland.


How temperature and humidity affect the human body 

For the study, the researchers recruited 13 healthy volunteers aged between 23 and 58 years old. Seven of the participants were female.

Each participant was exposed to five temperature conditions for an hour while resting. The conditions included:

  • 28℃ (82.4F) and 50% relative air humidity (RAH)

  • 40℃ (104F) and 25% RAH

  • 40℃ (104F) and 50% RAH

  • 50℃ (122F) and 25% RAH

  • 50℃ (122F) and 50% RAH

Throughout each condition and at baseline, the researchers recorded several metrics, including:

  • core and skin temperatures

  • blood pressure

  • sweating rate

  • heart rate

  • breathing rate

  • volume of air inhaled and exhaled per minute

  • movement levels

Ultimately, the researchers found that participants’ metabolic rate increased by 35% when exposed to 40℃ (104F) and 25% RAH, and by 48% at 40℃ (104F) and 50% RAH.

Although the 50℃ and 25% RAH condition did not increase metabolic rate compared to 40℃ (104F) and 25% RAH, metabolic rate was 56% higher than baseline in the 50℃ (122F) and 50% RAH condition.

The increased metabolic rate at the 40℃-25% RAH condition was not accompanied by an increase in core temperature. However, participants in the 50℃-50% RAH condition experienced a rise in core temperature of 1℃, or 1.8 Farenheit.

The researchers noted that these findings suggest that the body is able to dissipate heat at 40℃ (104F), but not at 50℃ (122F).

“The findings do seem likely to vary by […] humidity,”Dr. Mark Guido, an endocrinologist with Novant Health Forsyth Endocrine Consultants in Winston Salem, North Carolina, not involved in the study, told Medical News Today.

“In the study there was some evidence that resting metabolic rate was higher at higher humidities, even at the same temperature. It seems like humidity also plays a large role in the metabolic rate,” he added.

The researchers further noted that participants in the 50℃-50% RAH condition sweated 74% more and experienced a 64% increase in heart rate compared to baseline.

They further noted that compared to baseline, participants in the 50℃-50% RAH group experienced increased myocardial workload, meaning their hearts required more oxygen to maintain optimal function.

Moreover, their breathing rate also increased by 23%, and the amount of air they could inhale and exhale per minute increased by 78%.

The researchers noted that drinking water in each of the conditions did not cool the body.

Another Great Review!

When Alexis reached out to Desiree at Maintain Me, she was seeking help finding an assisted living home in Colorado for her mom who was currently in rehab in out of state, and we only had a two week timeline as she was going to be discharged at that time.

Desiree had a large order but had every confidence that she could help find placement for Alexis’s mom.

Within the first week, Desiree and Alexis had toured assisted livings, found the one that matched criteria and budget and had a move-in date.

Alexis and her mom made the trip to Colorado and moved her directly into her new home!

Are you looking to move your loved one closer to you, to ensure they are getting the care and support they deserve? We are here to help!

Desiree Diaz, Transition Coordinator
Senior Transition & Case Management Services

Independence Day

We hope everyone got to enjoy their Independence Day! Here are some of our favorite memories! 

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and turn on notifications so you don't miss any of our upcoming episodes. 

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📲 Are you looking for help finding care for mom, dad, grandpa, grandma or yourself in the Denver or any of its surrounding cities in Colorado? We are here to help! Whether you're looking to stay at home longer, need help navigating how to find a senior community, or how to find a nursing home in Denver, we can help make that transition so much easier for you!!
Reach out Day/Nights/Weekends whenever you want, we never stop working for you!!

Chelsea Sweeney and Morgan Jenkins
📲 Call/Text Direct at 303-481-0051
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In this episode, join hosts Morgan and Desiree as they delve into the fascinating world of geriatric medicine and the importance of finding a specialty doctor as you age. As we grow older, our bodies undergo unique changes that require specialized care and attention. Geriatricians are medical professionals who focus on the health and well-being of older adults. They possess extensive knowledge and expertise in managing age-related conditions, promoting healthy aging, and enhancing the overall quality of life for seniors.
In this enlightening discussion, Morgan and Desiree will explore the benefits of seeking the guidance of a geriatrician. They will share valuable insights on how these doctors assess and address the specific needs of aging bodies, providing comprehensive care tailored to individual circumstances. Tune in to learn about the holistic approach that geriatricians take towards patient care. Discover how they not only diagnose and treat medical conditions but also emphasize preventive measures, such as healthy lifestyle choices, nutrition, and exercise, to promote optimal aging. Morgan and Desiree will also touch upon the importance of addressing the emotional and mental well-being of seniors. Geriatricians understand the unique challenges faced by older adults, such as loneliness, depression, and cognitive decline, and they work collaboratively with other healthcare professionals to offer a holistic approach to care. If you're concerned about aging-related issues or interested in learning more about maintaining a high quality of life as you age, this episode is a must-watch. Gain valuable insights and practical tips on how geriatricians can play a pivotal role in supporting your overall well-being and ensuring a fulfilling and healthy aging journey.

Join Morgan and Desiree on Maintain Me as they shed light on the importance of finding a specialty doctor who understands the aging body and focuses on enhancing your quality of life. Don't miss out on this informative discussion – hit that play button and let's embark on a journey of healthy aging together!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and turn on notifications so you don't miss any of our upcoming episodes. 

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Aging in Colorado

Every four years the Denver Regional Council of Governments (DRCOG) develops an Area Plan on Aging. Community input is key to the planning process. The Community Assessment Survey for Older Adults is a statistically valid survey of the self-reported strengths and needs of the region’s population of older adults. Findings include how older adults view livability, their communities, employment and finances; equity and inclusivity; health and wellness; access to information and assistance; and productive activities. The survey revealed that most older adults in the Denver region want to age in place and found that communities that help older adults remain, or become active, community participants provide opportunities for recreation, transportation, culture, education, communication, social connection, spiritual enrichment and health care.

According to Jayla Sanchez-Warren, the director of DRCOG’s Area Agency on Aging, “Many older adults in our region face challenges finding suitable affordable housing, transportation and even quality health care, but at the same time our surveys show they remain generally positive and hopeful they can age well in place here.”

Most of the region’s older residents gave high ratings to their community, with 82% reporting their neighborhood was a good place to live and about two-thirds saying they’d recommend retiring in the Denver metro area. Three quarters of respondents reported they are likely to remain in their community throughout retirement. The Area Agency on Aging has conducted the survey four times over the past 16 years and compares results over time. 

In the Denver region, the 13 areas where older adults’ ratings improved since 2018 were:

  • Sense of community.

  • Their overall physical health.

  • Their overall quality of life.

  • Ease of travel by public transportation in their community.

  • Ease of travel by car in their community.

  • Ease of walking in their community.

  • Availability of affordable quality housing.

  • Variety of housing options.

  • Availability of long-term care options.

  • Availability of affordable, quality physical health care.

  • Availability of affordable, quality mental health care.

  • Availability of preventive health services (for example, health screenings, flu shots or educational workshops).

  • Neighborliness of their community.

The 10 potential challenges for which the proportion of older adults who reported a problem increased in 2022 were:

  • Having enough money to pay property taxes.

  • Having housing to suit their needs.

  • Doing heavy or intense housework.

  • Maintaining their home.

  • Maintaining their yard.

  • Having safe and affordable transportation available.

  • Building skills for paid or unpaid work.

  • Not knowing what services are available to older adults in their community.

  • Being a victim of crime.

  • Being a victim of fraud or a scam.

DRCOG’s Area Agency on Aging also provides survey results for each county and partnered with Aurora, Commerce City and Golden to prepare city-specific reports.  Visit to see the reports from 2022 and 2018.

Assisted Living Administrator Supplemental Training

The Colorado Gerontological Society is an approved provider of the Assisted Living Facility Administrator Training required for licensure of assisted living facilities in Colorado.

The 16-hour supplemental administrator training is offered quarterly, as a virtual course, with a mandatory 1.5-hour orientation. The course is split across two full days an a half day to help prospective administrators balance attendance with other obligations.

The maximum class size is 20 participants. Total cost is for the course is $330 which includes CGS membership, class materials, exam preparation tools and instructor access. Participants must register for the complete three-day course. Partial registrations will not be accepted.

Happy Father's Day

We wanted to take a moment to recognize all the fathers in our lives, past and present. Thank you for the role you played in the story of our lives. We hope everyone enjoyed celebrating Father's Day this year. 

📲 Are you looking for help finding care for mom, dad, grandpa, grandma or yourself in the Denver or any of its surrounding cities in Colorado? We are here to help! Whether you're looking to stay at home longer, need help navigating how to find a senior community, or how to find a nursing home in Denver, we can help make that transition so much easier for you!!
Reach out Day/Nights/Weekends whenever you want, we never stop working for you!!

Chelsea Sweeney and Morgan Jenkins
📲 Call/Text Direct at 303-481-0051
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Juneteenth (short for “June Nineteenth”) marks the day when federal troops arrived in GalvestonTexas in 1865 to take control of the state and ensure that all enslaved people be freed. The troops’ arrival came a full two and a half years after the signing of the Emancipation Proclamation. Juneteenth honors the end to slavery in the United States and is considered the longest-running African American holiday. On June 17, 2021, it officially became a federal holiday. Juneteenth 2023 will occur on Monday, June 19.Confederate General Robert E. Lee had surrendered at Appomattox Court House two months earlier in Virginia, but slavery had remained relatively unaffected in Texas—until U.S. General Gordon Granger stood on Texas soil and read General Orders No. 3: “The people of Texas are informed that, in accordance with a proclamation from the Executive of the United States, all slaves are free.”

Slip and Fall

In 2019, more than 3 million elderly Americans visited the emergency room because of fall-related injuries. That breaks down to five or six falls every minute. Data suggests women are hospitalized after a fall at twice the rate of men. Many of these falls are quite serious.

Falls can have serious physical, emotional, and financial repercussions for elderly fall victims and their families. The CDC estimates that falls cost about $50 billion in medical bills annually.

So, why are seniors slipping and falling at such alarming rates? And what can be done to limit the chances of you or someone you care about falling and getting hurt? Brown & Crouppen tackles these important questions and others in our slip-and-fall guide for the elderly.

Medication Management

In this series, we dive into the crucial topic of understanding the "what, why, and how" behind each prescribed medication.

When it comes to managing our health, knowledge is power, especially when it comes to the medications we take. The aim of this channel is to empower you with the information you need to make informed decisions about your health and the medications you're prescribed.

Morgan and Desiree, experts in senior care, will guide you through each step of the medication management process. With years of experience and a passion for patient education, they will break down complex medical concepts into easily understandable language, ensuring you have a clear understanding of the medications you're taking.

By understanding the "what" behind each medication, you'll gain insight into how it can help manage your specific condition or symptoms. Moreover, we'll explore the "why" behind medication prescriptions.

Morgan and Desiree will shed light on the medical rationale behind prescribing certain medications, outlining the underlying conditions they address and the potential benefits they offer. Understanding the "why" will empower you to have meaningful conversations with your healthcare provider and actively participate in your own treatment plan.

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Housing Costs

Denver is an expensive city. One area in which Denver is particularly expensive is in housing costs. This is true whether you own or rent. The Denver housing market is 36 percent more expensive than the United States average. Moreover, Denver ranked seventh in the nation for housing cost increases in 2022. Even New York and Portland didn’t see such extreme housing rate hikes last year. How can Benefits in Action help with rising housing costs? The answer is simple. Keep reading this article for more details.

Benefits in Action can help those facing increased housing costs by giving individuals access to different government benefits, so they can allocate their finances to housing costs. Some of these programs include Medicaid, Medicare, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), the Temporary Assistance to Needy Families Program (TANF), our pro bono Tax Program, and Social Security benefits. Benefits in Action also operates a food delivery program for homebound individuals. This program, combined with more long-term solutions to food insecurity like SNAP, can save folks a lot of money.

Each of these programs comes with an estimated amount of savings for a household. For example, SNAP saves households an average of $1,260 a year in food costs, while TANF gives households an average of $5,148 a year, and Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) gives the average household $8,040 a year. The average tax refund this year is $2,753. While that is down from last year’s average tax refund, it is still a substantial amount. Health insurance programs like Medicare and Medicaid can potentially save folks even more money that would otherwise be spent on premiums, deductibles, and copayments. 

You might be wondering whether you qualify for one of these programs. If so, there is a quick and easy way to determine tentative eligibility for government benefits. That way is through Benefits in Action’s web page featuring an online software called “My Friend Ben.” You can access the “My Friend Ben” software to screen yourself for potential benefits by going to, selecting Services, then selecting Book a Navigator. The tool takes about 10 minutes to complete and can give a printout of all benefits for which you are arguably eligible. Even better, the printout is saved in BIA’s files, so that BIA’s Intake Coordinators can schedule you with the navigator that is the best fit for your needs. 

However, we do want to stress that BIA does not provide direct housing assistance. By that, we mean that BIA does not have funds to give directly to individuals for housing costs and generally does not complete housing applications. Our assistance is more indirect in that the money you save from other benefits can go toward your housing costs. It isn’t a perfect solution, but it is a good start. And most of those who come to our doors report that they are satisfied with the services they receive. As one client put it, “Benefits in Action is a vital lifeline. Benefits such as SNAP and Medicaid have empowered me to make positive life choices and helped me get well. Without Benefits in Action, I don’t know where I would be. “

Do you need relief from Denver’s high housing costs? Are you looking for more information on what government benefits may be available to you? If so, contact BIA for more information. You can reach us at 720-221-8354 or by email at We look forward to hearing from you.

World Ocean Day

Powered by its Youth Advisory Council, World Ocean Day 2023 is on track to be the most impactful annual celebration of our ocean ever.

Tens of thousands of activities, celebrations and other events are expected, including events hosted by schools, universities, youth organizations, aquariums, zoos, museums, dive clubs, marinas, and many more from all sectors. Collectively, these community celebrations and actions will engage millions of people in over 150 countries. Social media reach is expected to reach into the billions. Youth play an increasingly important role in the development and growth of World Ocean Day, celebrated annually in June, helping to raise the profile of the importance of our one shared ocean that connects us all. No matter where we live, we all depend on a healthy ocean to survive and thrive, and safeguarding the ocean will help us secure a stable climate into the future.
Youth engagement and leadership is critically important to bring about the transformative change needed today. On the local, national, and international levels, youth are engaging on policy issues to advance progress for a healthy ocean and stable climate. María Paz Dakota Ormeño Vasquez from Perú is one of the 26 members of the World Ocean Day Youth Advisory Council who works year-round to inspire others to engage in ocean conservation action. “As young people we have the power to make a difference and protect our ocean”, said 16-year-old Vasquez, “We can be the voice for the voiceless, the endangered species, and the climate. We can play a pivotal role in decision-making and dialogue, inspiring others to take action.” For a fourth straight year, the World Ocean Day 2023 Conservation Action Focus, or theme, is to grow the movement to protect at least 30% of our lands, waters, and ocean by 2030 (“30x30”).
This year’s efforts will build on the two major victories from the past six months where nations committed to protect 30% of areas under their own jurisdiction and also designate 30% of the world’s international waters as protected areas by 2030. For 2023, World Ocean Day event coordinators and celebrators are encouraged to share why they support protecting our lands, waters, and ocean to encourage national leaders to follow through on those 30x30 commitments. “To me, celebrating World Ocean Day means celebrating all the efforts that are made by individuals worldwide,” said Rada Pandeva, Youth Advisory Council member from Bulgaria, age 20, “It is a chance to recognize the progress we are making and to remind ourselves to keep going because our own wellbeing is dependent on our ocean’s wellbeing.” The Youth Advisory Council members represent 21 diverse countries and backgrounds. They provide new and unique perspectives, ideas, and recommendations for rallying the world for action. The Council works together to inform and motivate their communities and countries, inspiring youth and others in June and throughout the year. “Young ocean leaders are innovative, tenacious, and passionate about regenerating ocean health and human health,” explained 19-year-old Bodhi Patil, Youth Advisory Council member from Canada, “Alongside the wisdom, experience, and expertise of adults, we can drive intergenerational collaboration. This is the key to co-creating ocean-climate solutions that make waves of impact.” The central hub for resources and action is, which includes a wide range of new resources and tools and customizable World Ocean Day graphics.
Join with World Ocean Day on Twitter, Instagram & Facebook. Find activities, celebrations, and other events happening worldwide! Samantha Gibb, World Ocean Day Manager, encourages engagement in ocean conservation in June and beyond. “World Ocean Day and its global network is growing fast, with millions of people in thousands of communities uniting to celebrate and take action to safeguard our blue planet,” said Gibb, “No matter how organizations and individuals decide to honor our ocean in June, I encourage continued action throughout the year and invite everyone to use as a resource for your ongoing activities!” Meet the World Ocean Day 2023 Youth Advisory Council: About World Ocean Day: Globally coordinated and promoted by The Ocean Project since 2002, World Ocean Day is an annual celebration on 8 June as well as a call for ocean and climate action throughout the year. Starting in 2008, the United Nations officially recognized World Ocean Day. This unique celebration brings together thousands of organizations and millions of individuals each year.

Longterm Care Insurance

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Welcome to our latest video on the topic of long-term care insurance! In this episode, Chelsea and Morgan from Maintain Me Senior Services will be discussing what long-term care insurance is, and how to figure out if you have it.

Long-term care insurance is an insurance policy that helps cover the costs of long-term care services, such as assistance with daily activities, nursing home care, and memory care. It is an important consideration for anyone who wants to plan for their future and ensure they have the financial resources to pay for these types of services should they become necessary.

In this video, Chelsea and Morgan will break down the key components of long-term care insurance and discuss some of the important considerations to keep in mind when activating a policy.They will also offer tips and advice on how to determine whether you are ready to utilize it and different payouts based on care. Whether you are planning for your own future or helping a loved one make important decisions about long-term care, this video is a must-watch.

So sit back, relax, and join us as we explore the world of long-term care insurance and how it can help you maintain your independence and dignity as you age.

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and turn on notifications so you don't miss any of our upcoming episodes. 

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June 15, 2023
12:00 to 1:00 pm

Eileen Doherty, MS
Executive Director
Colorado Gerontological Society

A support system provides a social network, helps improve a loved one's health, and can even extend life compared to older adults without any friends or family. A family support system is beneficial.

Choosing your support system is important.  Learn more about steps to take to continue to live independently.  Create your social support system by a) engaging with people who acknowledge your goals, dreams, passions – whatever it is you may have and have expressed similar interests; b) finding people who genuinely have your best interests at heart; and c) surrounding yourself with those who understand your goals.

Caregiver Symposium

Sign up for the Caregiving Symposium on Wednesday, June 7


Hear from multiple experts in their field and engage with others about the topic ~

AARP Colorado is now accepting registrations for its 2023 Caregiving Symposium. Join us to learn more about the information and resources available for important topics such as: collaborative care, as well as tough conversations about death.

 “AARP Colorado is honored to gather those in Colorado who have experienced taking care of a close family member or friend. You truly make a difference in our community,” said AARP Colorado State Director Sara Schueneman.

 Reservations remain open until Wed. May 24, 2023. The event will be held at the Arvada Center, 6901 Wadsworth Blvd, Arvada, CO 80003, 9 a.m.- 2 p.m.

 AARP Colorado Caregiver Symposium presenters include:

  • Jane Barton with Cardinal, LLC: author of Caregiving for the GENIUS, is a passionate national speaker, writer, and listener.

  • Jamie Sarche with Feldman Mortuary: director of pre-planning at Feldman Mortuary in Denver. She helps people create end-of-life plans before their actual end-of-life is upon them.

  • Kent Mathews with Pikes Peak Area Agency on Aging: Program Director of the Family Caregiver Support Center at the Pikes Peak Area Council of Governments Area Agency on Aging (PPACG AAA).

 For more information, email, or call 1-866-554-5376. Reservations are open until May 24, 2023. Interested? Sign up for the event using the link below.


Click here for more information: This year’s Caregiver Symposium.