

Legislative Update | Summary of Important Bills for Older Adults, Close of 2024 Session

The 2024 Legislative Session is officially ended in Colorado and Morgan with Maintain Me and Chair of CoPRA Government Affairs Committee has found a helpful summary to share of some of the more pertinent bills. Thank you Age Wise Colorado!

Of note changes to property tax exemptions for adults age 65 and over, changes to Medical Aid in Dying (MAID), and Prior-authorization from insurance companies.

Check it out!

Next up for the Colorado Placement Referral Alliance Government Affairs, because the work never ends:

Morgan will attend the Arapahoe County Council on Aging, ACCOA Meeting held at Caley Ridge Assisted Living, Today May 20th from 1:30-3:30p. The remainder of the meetings will be held: June 24, July 22, September 23, and November 25. Interested in joining, send us a message!

The next big event in Colorado Legislature is the June 2024 Primary State Election! The last day to vote in Tuesday, June 25, 2024. The ballots will be mailed out June 3, 2024. The last day to update your party affiliation is Monday, June 3, 2024.





May is Mental Health Awareness Month

What do you think of when you hear the words “Mental Health”?

Does it feel personal to you? OR Do you think “that’s not my problem, I am mentally well!”

For me it’s personal: Not only because I have had times where my mental health was suffering, but I am also standing (yes, it’s happening now) beside a beloved family member as they battle serious mental illness.

So I decided to get my Mental Health First Aid Certification, MHFA.

“What is this”, you may be asking yourself?

Mental Health First Aid for Adults teaches individuals how to identify, understand, and respond to signs of mental illness and substance abuse disorders. It is an 8-hour training, and it gives individuals the skills they need to reach out and provide initial support to someone who may be experiencing a mental health or substance use crisis and connect them to the appropriate care.

To date, more than 75,000 Coloradans have been trained in MHFA. To find a class or host a class at your location visit:

If you subscribe to this email, you may now be asking yourself, how does this relate to Maintain Me Senior Services?

I am so glad you asked!

Older adults and their caregivers suffer from mental health crisis at alarming rate. The National Council on Aging says that up to 25% of adults aged 65 and older have a mental health condition. Getting older is hard! Things don’t work as they used to, maybe you become dependent on others for even simple tasks, the world seems to be shrinking, and sometimes it leaves one feeling purposeless or unwanted.

I decided that I wanted to be equipped to recognize the need for help in my clients and know how to connect them to the right people at the right time. Mental illness is treatable- and getting help is the first step.

If together, we can help 1 person to feel better and live happier, it is a worthwhile endeavor. Let’s strip back the stigma and talk about Mental Illness so we can better talk about Mental Wellness and Health.





Did You Know About The New REQUIRED DEMENTIA TRAINING for Direct Care Staff?

7.9 (B) Dementia Training Requirement

(1) As of January 1, 2024, each assisted living residence shall ensure that its direct-care staff members meet the dementia training requirements in part 7.8(B) and at no cost to them.

For direct-care staff members hired or providing care on or after January 1, 2024, the initial training must be completed as soon as practical, but no later than 120 days after the start of employment.

Current direct-care staff who have completed an equivalent training, as defined in these rules, must provide documentation of all required continuing education subsequent to the initial training within the 24 months preceding January 1, 2024. (6 CCR 1011-1 Chapter 07)





VIRTUAL Personal Assistant in the Home | Medicaid Resource Alert

Have you considered virtual care for seniors who feel socially isolated? Medicaid now covers such a program in Colorado.

Benefits include:

  • Support with activities of daily living

  • Medication reminders

  • Appointment alerts

  • Meal reminders

  • Fall detection

  • Health tracking,

  • Transportation coordination

  • 24/7 On-demand virtual assistance

With the Claris Companion tablet, eligible seniors can get 24/7 remote support from a team of professional caregivers. You can deploy a number of health promotion activities like:

  • Evidence-based programs

  • Home injury prevention programming

  • Nutrition education

  • Chronic disease education and prevention

  • Social engagement programming





WEEKLY Legislative Update | Maintain Me Tracks New Bill HB24-1066

The 2024 Legislative Session is officially underway in Colorado and Morgan with Maintain Me and Chair of CoPRA Government Affairs Committee has had their first meeting. 

The Bills we are currently watching are: HB 24-1004; HB 24-1066; SB 24-040. 

Here is the third bill that we are tracking that will directly affect healthcare settings and our aging population.

Bill Title: Prevent Workplace Violence in
Health-Care Settings
Bill #: HB24-1066
Bill Status: Introduced In House -
Assigned to Health & Human Services

Check it out!

From the titles alone, we can see why these Bills are important to older adults and healthcare in general: Should ex-offenders have an opportunity to seek employment in state regulated jobs less than 10 years after their offense? Are workers in healthcare settings protected from workplace violence? Is there more we can be doing, or is this bill repeating what is already in place?

The Government Affairs Committee will be monitoring these bills to see what, if any, action may need to be taken by our group. We talk with other stakeholders, the Lobbyists working on the bills and the Representatives in our Government who have brought the bills forward. 

We will also report back here to keep you engaged and offer opportunities to get involved if you are interested! 





Cupid Crew Out Again In The Community Spreading Love

Morgan and Desiree with Maintain Me join other volunteers for the cupid crew 2024!

On Valentine’s Day, Cupid Crew volunteers delivered roses and cards to over 230,000 people. With your help, we can do more than just change someone’s day.

We love to support organizations that help others feel connected and loved on Valentine’s Day—and every day.





Maintain Me Partner Announces NEW Enhanced Neighborhood | ASK US ABOUT WHAT WE THINK

Maintain Me gets notified by a local partner about this new ENHANCED NEIGHBORHOOD, could this be what this area is needing?

We love watching the community come together to change and evolve with what we are seeing in the community. As much as we are seeing aging adults become more active and living longer, this can mean one of two things.

#!: One set of aging adults are able to transition into community living with so much to gain as well as give in this new humbled living. They are able to engage in more activities, cultivate strong community and really change the way Community Living is viewed as a whole. We see benefits in aging by coming together in commonality, whether that be in hobby’s, past life experiences or even faith. The perfect scenario for the extroverted heart.

While the other set of aging adults prefer to stay at home longer and live out their active lives in the comfort of home until care starts to out weigh the benefit of home living. The one thing we see with this second set of aging adults is that sometimes by the time they enter community living they may have exceeded the care offered in this traditional setting. Seeing this established community create a neighborhood designed for these cases is very exciting to Maintain Me as we too like to allow options for how the aging process occurs, with the aging adult as the driver.

WELL DONE TO THIS SPECIAL COMMUNITY. Maintain Me will be following close to learn how this neighborhood is designed while gaining feedback from clients and others in the industry.





WEEKLY Legislative Update | Maintain Me Tracks New Bill HB24-1004

The 2024 Legislative Session is officially underway in Colorado and Morgan with Maintain Me and Chair of CoPRA Government Affairs Committee has had their first meeting. 

The Bills we are currently watching are: HB 24-1004; HB 24-1066; SB 24-040. 

Here is the second bill that we are tracking that will directly affect healthcare settings and our aging population.

Bill Title: Ex-Offenders Practice in
Regulated Occupations
Bill #: HB24-1004
Bill Status: Introduced In House -
Assigned to Business Affairs & Labor

Check it out!

From the titles alone, we can see why these Bills are important to older adults and healthcare in general: Should ex-offenders have an opportunity to seek employment in state regulated jobs less than 10 years after their offense? Are workers in healthcare settings protected from workplace violence? Is there more we can be doing, or is this bill repeating what is already in place?

The Government Affairs Committee will be monitoring these bills to see what, if any, action may need to be taken by our group. We talk with other stakeholders, the Lobbyists working on the bills and the Representatives in our Government who have brought the bills forward. 

We will also report back here to keep you engaged and offer opportunities to get involved if you are interested! 





Maintain Me will be at THIS EVENT | COME SEE US!

Thursday, February 8, 8:45-11:45 a.m.

Come meet Morgan at this event!!!!

Many seniors want to remain independent in their own home as long as possible, while others are beginning to think of a new place to call home. Agencies that provide services to help people stay in their homes or offer a senior living community are welcome to participate.

Community agencies often have wonderful opportunities for adults aged 50+. We have found an effective way to connect these opportunities with our participants is through Lobby Expos, featuring 7-14 tables.

Several times a year we host themed expos and agencies related to the theme are invited to sponsor a table to educate our participants about their services. Apex reserves the right to decline agencies if they don’t fit the established expo theme. Since we are trying to connect adults with a variety of services, we do not offer exclusivity, except in cases of franchised services. Attendance at past resource fairs has been between 60-99+ people, with currently over 90 seniors passing through the lobby for classes.





Maintain Me will be at THIS EVENT | COME SEE US!

Thursday, February 8, 8:45-11:45 a.m.

Come meet Morgan at this event!!!!

Many seniors want to remain independent in their own home as long as possible, while others are beginning to think of a new place to call home. Agencies that provide services to help people stay in their homes or offer a senior living community are welcome to participate.

Community agencies often have wonderful opportunities for adults aged 50+. We have found an effective way to connect these opportunities with our participants is through Lobby Expos, featuring 7-14 tables.

Several times a year we host themed expos and agencies related to the theme are invited to sponsor a table to educate our participants about their services. Apex reserves the right to decline agencies if they don’t fit the established expo theme. Since we are trying to connect adults with a variety of services, we do not offer exclusivity, except in cases of franchised services. Attendance at past resource fairs has been between 60-99+ people, with currently over 90 seniors passing through the lobby for classes.





Moving MasterClass Series Part 3 | MAINTAIN ME IS PRESENTING 2/7/24

You are not going to want to miss this! Morgan with Maintain Me is presenting at this class on Feb 7th

You are invited to this three-part series where individuals and their families will gain valuable knowledge and practical tools to navigate the downsizing process successfully. The series will empower participants to assist their family members with decluttering, address financial and legal aspects, engage quality professionals, and provide emotional support, ensuring a smooth transition to a smaller home or senior care facility.

Each session will be 90 minutes long with 2-3 expert speakers, a Q&A and open panel discussion with time for participants to ask questions, seek clarification, and share personal experiences, fostering an interactive and supportive environment.

Part 3: Engaging Quality Professionals and Other Important Tips, Wednesday Feb 7, 2024 6:00-7:30

Speakers: Morgan Jenkins & Monica Young (link here for Monicas book)

- Choosing professionals: Provide guidance on selecting reputable real estate agents, moving companies, and estate sale services, emphasizing the importance of checking credentials and references.

- Talk about options! In home modifications and renovations: Discuss considerations for adapting the new or old home to meet the specific needs of seniors, including safety modifications, accessibility, and universal design elements.

- Emotional support: Address the emotional challenges that may arise during the downsizing process, and provide strategies for supporting senior family members through the transition.

- Downsizing with dignity: Encourage participants to approach downsizing with empathy and respect, highlighting the importance of involving seniors in decision-making and preserving their autonomy. How to work together as a team/family.

- Community resources: Introduce local resources, support groups, and organizations that can provide further assistance and support throughout the downsizing journey





WEEKLY Legislative Update | Maintain Me Tracks New Bills As They Enter The State Legislative Session

Maintain Me Follows not only by leading Governance Committee with Colorado Placement & Referral Alliance (COPRA) but also follows as the Colorado Center For Aging (CCA) learns and plans their support of new bills as they enter the state legislation.

Here is a new bill that has come into play for 2024 that will directly affect spending for senior services. Check it out!

Lastly, State Funding for Senior Services: This bill pertains to the Area Agencies on Aging. Our local AAA is DRCOG: Area Agency on Aging | DRCOG. This incredibly valuable program is both a State and National Program for older adults. Our AAA also hosts the Ombudsman Program which is an Advocacy Division for older adults living in Assisted Living, Memory Care or Skilled Nursing. If something is not right in one of these senior living communities, the Ombudsman is the person to contact for support to address the concerns. 

Pretty important work they do at AAA's for at risk older adults and those who need senior services. 

Want to get involved with supporting bills that directly affect our seniors? click on the button below…





WHAT IS COPRA? Colorado Placement Referral Alliance

Maintain Me has been part of Colorado Placement Referral Alliance since the beginning. Our owner, Chelsea Sweeney served the board for 3 years and then co-owner Morgan Jenkins served on the board for the two years and serving her final year in 2024. We have had the opportunity to be on several committees with Morgan also jumping in to a chair position of the Governance Committee in 2024. If you are looking to get involved in our industry we strongly suggest looking into what it takes to be a member of the Colorado Placement Referral Alliance!

Why Join the Colorado Placement & Referral Alliance

Have you wished for changes to be made in the senior industry and wondered how it could happen?  The CoPRA is bringing these changes and we’re inviting you to be a part of it! 

CoPRA Membership provides many benefits

Advocacy for Placement Agents and Senior Living Communities:  In our first 2 years, the Government Affairs Committee and our local lobbyist have influenced public policy to protect placement agents, senior living communities, and families. In 2020, we introduced and passed HB 20-1101, a measure that protects seniors and their families’ rights to choose whom they work with for placement. Our efforts changed legislation, giving families the right to choose their placement agent and legally requiring a signed disclosure confirming families understand how a placement agent is paid.

Education: Educational meetings are provided every other month for our members. These meetings deliver  industry specific education that is highly relevant to the operation of your business; content is specifically designed to address the challenges faced by placement agents and senior living communities of all sizes. We utilize the expertise of our members, along with outside experts, to present vital information through panel discussions and speakers. Our members tell us “ the meetings, educational content, and collaboration are outstanding!”

Best Practices: NPRA and CoPRA have established a Code of Ethics and Best Practices that set the standard for placement agents to adopt, adhere and provide the highest level of integrity and service in our industry. Senior living communities and the industry at large recognize that CoPRA agents hold themselves to this higher standard and as a result realize their clients, residents, and families all benefit from working with a CoPRA agent.

Affiliate Members: affiliate members have found this to be an effective way to contribute to the good of the community while increasing their visibility and standing in the industry. General members find value in these connections by building their referral base.

National Certification: The Certified Placement and Referral Specialist (CPRS) Certification was developed by the NPRA under the expertise of Professional Testing Inc. in collaboration with industry subject matter experts. The CPRS designation confirms that a placement agent is a recognized expert to families, senior living providers and referral sources. As a CoPRA member, placement agents receive a discounted fee to become a CPRS. 

Networking & Business Development: Although we are a trade association and not a networking group, opportunities to strengthen alliances, build referral partnerships, and cultivate friendships with like-minded professionals are most definitely benefits!

How to Join/Renew or Questions:  To learn more and join today, visit (click on Membership, Designate Profession, and fill out your company’s information) Rates will show for different levels of membership.





WEEKLY Legislative Update | Maintain Me Leads Committee Reviewing New Bills Coming To Denver

We are thrilled to be welcoming in a new Legislative Session in Denver, Colorado. 

It is sure to be a busy and exciting year, an election year too! 

At Colorado Placement Referral Alliance, CoPRA, we take matters that affect our clients (seniors and their families) seriously! We use a good portion of our member dues to support our Lobbyist Corky Kyle. We need Corky because it is important to have a strong leader in your corner when you are tackling bad legislation and defending our current laws that protect seniors and their choices. 

This year, Morgan will be taking the position of Committee Chair for our Government Affairs Committee. After serving on the committee last year, she learned that showing up and using your voice are keys to making change at the Legislative Level. She worked closely with Corky and the other committee members to defend our Family Choice Act, and this year, will use her skills to help lead the group. 

Our first weekly meeting will be January 22, 2024. The session officially starts January 10, 2024. We will review all new bills and decide our positions, and we will begin outreaching our local legislators to get acquainted with them. 

If you are interested in getting involved: 

1st: Become a CoPRA Member 

2nd: Contact Morgan about joining the Legislative/Government Affairs Committee. 






Dayton Place is inviting you to come by and in return they will be scheduling complementary headshots for those who RSVP by Jan 17th. Dont miss this opportunity!





Moving MasterClass Series Part 2: January 24th 2024

You are invited to this three-part series where individuals and their families will gain valuable knowledge and practical tools to navigate the downsizing process successfully. The series will empower participants to assist their family members with decluttering, address financial and legal aspects, engage quality professionals, and provide emotional support, ensuring a smooth transition to a smaller home or senior care facility.

Each session will be 90 minutes long with 2-3 expert speakers, a Q&A and open panel discussion with time for participants to ask questions, seek clarification, and share personal experiences, fostering an interactive and supportive environment.

Part 2: Financial and Legal Considerations, Wednesday Jan 24, 2024, 6:00-7:30

Speakers: Rachel Bernstein Sheikh, Christine Jensen, Fairway Independent Mortgage Reverse Mortgage Specialist & Desirèe DelFrari,Insurance Broker for Medicare

- Legal considerations: Discuss important legal matters related to downsizing, such as updating wills, powers of attorney, and healthcare directives.

- Financial planning for the future: Offer advice on managing finances, including downsizing-related expenses, retirement funds, and potential healthcare costs.

- Budgeting for downsizing: Help families understand the financial implications of downsizing, including costs associated with moving, new housing, and potential renovations.

- Assessing the value of possessions: Provide guidance on appraising items of value and options for selling or donating them.

