Are you worried that once you choose a new community that you might have trouble fitting in, finding your way, or even asking for help from the right person?
The first two to three weeks after moving in are the most important in someone's overall experience. Pitfalls right at the beginning can happen, it is how they are handled that makes all the difference. Even better, someone who knows the process helping you or your important person avoid some of those problems.
Finishing Touch extends the quality service Maintain Me has been providing for you since the beginning of your Transition journey.
This program's details will be as unique as our clients' needs; some examples are:
Confirm first appointment with new medical team members: Physician, Therapy, Nurse where applicable
Address any "punch-list" items in the new apartment with Maintenance
Interpret daily schedule of events, mealtimes, and way finding tricks to help make one feel more confident in their new community
Join our clients for a meal, eating in a new dining room alone the first couple of times can be intimidating for all of us!
Make sure everyone feels comfortable with who handles what, when things come up. i.e. what if I miss a laundry or shower day, or when does my housecleaning start, and who do I talk to if my billing is incorrect?
What if you didn't use Maintain Me to find your new home, but you still want our help for this? No problem, the price is the same for all new and returning clients.