Summer Concert Series
Location: Parker Senior Center, 10675 Longs Way, Parker
Wednesday, July 6th, 7-8 pm: Cat on the Keys (Catherine Paz)
Wednesday, July 20th, 7-8p: Country (Lance Valliant)
Wednesday, August 3rd, 7-8pm: Favorite Hits (Anton Mallard)
Wednesday, August 17th,, 7-8pm: Music Memories (Lonie Sailas)

All concerts are FREE and open to the public. Donations benefit the Center and are greatly appreciated. You can park in our lot and sit in your car OR park on the street or the RTD lot (next to ours), walk over and sit in your own chair. Bring a picnic, sit back (or dance) and enjoy the sunset and a summer of music!
Pancake Breakfast
Sunday, July 10th, 8-10am
Location: Parker Senior Center, 10675 Longs Way
What’s for Breakfast? Pancakes from Flippin’ Flapjacks! Get your day started right! Invite your neighbors and friends! Come by and get 3 pancakes, 3 sausages, butter, syrup and OJ for just $10! Proceeds benefit Parker Senior Center.