Mental Health
Because mental health issues are often unique and require highly specialized solutions, there are few general resources available for it. You may be able to find some support including counseling and primary care through the Community Mental Health Center network, or through some specialized or private clinics. The best way to find mental health care is often through a direct referral from a physician or other health care provider.
Center for Conscious Aging
1526 W Fair Ave, Littleton 80120
Professional counselors and facilitators provide emotional, psychological and spiritual services that support older adults and their families to live meaningful lives, providing: support groups, workshops on Successful Aging, caregiver support, individual counseling, mentoring and guidance, grief support, and facilitated family discussions.
Colorado Public Mental Health System
The State of Colorado provides mental health coverage to both Medicaid and uninsured individuals, subject to available appropriations, through a network of 17 Community Mental Health Centers, five Behavioral Health Organizations and six specialized clinics. Check the online listings to find a clinic that serves your area, and contact it directly for eligibility information.
Denver Health Medical Center – Psychiatric Emergencies
Mental Health America of Colorado
1385 S Colorado Blvd #610, Denver
Metro Community Provider Network
MCPN offers mental health psychiatric care on a funds available basis to eligible residents of their community health clinic service areas, primarily Arapahoe county, Jefferson county and the City of Aurora.
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Colorado
1100 Fillmore St, Denver
Porter Adventist Hospital
2525 S Downing St, Denver 80210
Porter’s geriatric psychiatric unit is dedicated to providing psychiatric hospitalization to those over 65 years of age. Patients can be treated for any one of a number of acute or chronic psychiatric conditions, including but not limited to severe depression/suicidal, anxiety, psychosis, and bi-polar disorder. Patients must be medically cleared before they can be admitted to the psychiatric unit.