The Colorado Gerontological Society is again, sponsoring the Holiday Joy Squad. As our world becomes more unsettled and there is more tension, the holidays provide a time for everyone to share with friends and strangers a calmer and more caring world.
The hustle and bustle of shopping, wrapping presents, and connecting with others fills us with anxiety. Retail clerks, postal workers and delivery personnel work tirelessly. Often, they are the victims of anger and frustration, rather than a smile and a thank you.
Many older adults dread the holidays as they miss loved ones who have passed away, children who live far distances, and grandchildren with whom they won’t be able to share precious moments.
Everyone is invited to think about small and little ways to bring joy to those around you. It can be family and friends, but can also be strangers, individuals with whom you have lost contact, or just a “thank you” to someone who has just completed another “thankless” job, just so you can have a Happy Holiday.
To participate, you simply do fifteen random acts of kindness. This can include making a special dessert for a lonely neighbor. Or making a phone call to an out-of-touch college roommate. Or leaving the delivery guy who just brought five packages to your front porch, a chocolate bar. Or a smile to someone in the grocery line with a child who is upset.
You can count any random act. Go to, click on the Holiday Joy Squad banner ad, and log your acts of kindness. Individuals who log 15 activities between December 20 and January 5 will receive a gift card.
If you have any questions, call 303-333-3482 or 1-855-293-6911 (toll-free) or 1-866-880-4777 (Spanish).