Maintain Me wanted to take a second to reflect on the last three years as Chelsea steps off the GDPRA board and we welcome our newest Board member. A word from Chelsea
"The last three years on the board have provided me with more knowledge and excitement for our industry. Being surrounded and regularly meeting with other leaders in our industry has been humbling and I am finishing my term with more confidence than ever in what is to come for placement and the senior provider world. Watching my competitors and friends make a difference in the small time we have had together, excitee me to see what the new boards will have in store. I am very grateful to have had the opportunity to serve and even more excited about who will be taking my place."
With that being said, Maintain Me would like to give a big congratulations to the newest GDPRA board member and as Chelsea has mentioned she has "never been more excited to pass the baton" to Morgan Jenkins!
Morgan, Maintain Me knows your heart and with your incredible intentions how much you will be able to shape this industry. Morgan has been part of the GDPRA since the beginning, assisting with the creation of best practices, grievance procedures, education and more. She will continue this momentum in her new role and shine through her passion and knowledge!
Congrats Morgan, GDPRA is lucky to have you!