Friday and Saturday August 13 and 14, 2021 from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm - Virtual Event
Day 1 & 2:
If you are in need of special accommodations to participate in The Salute please contact us separately at 303-333-3482
The Salute to Seniors is coming to your living room again. While we would like to think that the pandemic is behind us and many of us are vaccinated, out of an abundance of caution, the Salute to Seniors will be virtual on August 13 and 14, 2021 from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm.
Learning from last year in which more than 80% of participants rated the educational programs as the most popular events, we are bringing you a panorama of educational programs, showcases, and entertainment.
The ever-popular Active Minds, Denver, will compare the era of roads and bridges of the 1920s with the 2020s of broadband and internet. They will be joined on stage by Scott Denning, atmospheric science professor at Colorado State University, Fort Collins to discuss the “3 S’s of Climate Change”. Also performing on stage will be a narrated travel program on local, state, national and international destinations; diversity, inclusion, and health equity; and other current topics.
The Forney Museum of Transportation will be returning with a showcase of some of their best 1920s cars and other modes of transportation.
Jazz evolved in the 1920s with such favorites as Louie Armstrong and Frank Sinatra. After Midnight Jazz Band will bring your favorite tunes to your living room so you can sing and dance with us in the comfort and safety of your living room.
A Resource Fair and Expo will provide information and services from across Colorado to help you and your families find trustworthy, reliable solutions to your everyday needs. The Salute presents a fun, new virtual twist with dozens of sponsors offering resources, information, and tools for living healthy to help you live an independent life. One touch and you will be able to link to sponsors from and learn more about services.
Sponsors will bring you short videos and offer free promotions. Request a personal consultation to learn more about the services.
The Salute on the Porch is back. Go for an afternoon or evening outing – just to get out of the house. Drive by our office at 1129 Pennsylvania, Denver, park in the driveway, and run up on the porch to grab your goodie bag full of resources. Goodie bags can be mailed for those who live outside of metro Denver.
Join the chat, meet your friends online, and enjoy a day of fun, laughter, and reminiscing. Grab your favorite device and join us. Register at or call 1-855-294-6911 and we will register you. Don’t miss the fun!