Denver | Sunday, June 13 | Denver City Park

Walk to end Epilepsy logo.jpg

The 2021 nationwide Walk to END EPILEPSY is a movement that brings our community together to make a difference for the people we love who live with epilepsy.

Funds raised from the Walk provide education and awareness, training programs on seizure recognition and first aid, as well as improved access to specialty and supportive care for the nearly 60,000 people affected by epilepsy here in Colorado.

With the ever-changing COVID-19 situation and its effect on our communities, the safety of our participants, volunteers and staff is our primary concern. That’s why the 2021 Walk to END EPILEPSY events will offer the option to gather in person OR to celebrate in small meetups with your quaranteam at home, in your neighborhoods, or online.

The in-person events will observe all mask and social distancing requirements, while still providing the same fun, friendly event you’ve come to expect.