Medicare Monday
Medicare Monday is now an annual virtual event series from October 19 to November 18, 2020 with Medicare educational workshops to help you be better informed and make necessary changes to your coverage. The virtual program includes information on the changes, updates and requirements for Medicare Parts A, B, C and D. Medicare open enrollment runs from October 15 to December 7, 2020.
Keeping up with the annual changes, policies and guidelines can seem overwhelming. Premium increases, new benefits, new health plans, and new rules will be discussed. To learn more and receive guidance through the process, join the Colorado Gerontological Society at the virtual Medicare Monday on your computer, smart phone, or tablet.
Second and third year pharmacy students will work with Medicare beneficiaries who may be taking more than five medications to review the current prescriptions and make recommendations on drug-drug interactions, as well as to help with enrollment in Medicare Part D plans that best meet their needs.
Counselors are available to guide Medicare beneficiaries who need guidance and support. Counselors work with new enrollees to decide on the insurance benefit that best fits their situation or current beneficiaries who are looking to review current coverage.
Representatives from various insurance companies will be available virtually during the Medicare Monday educational programs, as well as the follow-up sessions Medicare Lunch and Learn sessions on Wednesdays. Attendees at the virtual Medicare Monday events can gather information from the comfort of their home about the different insurance products and make decisions with the support of an agent following the programs.
Come by The Society at 1129 Pennsylvania St, Denver and grab info packets on the latest information on 2021 Medicare resources on October 19 and 26, and November 2, 9, and 16. No contact required; just drive up, and grab a packet from our porch.