
These are twice-yearly events providing volunteer assistance for seniors with various home maintenance jobs, cleaning, organizing, raking, and other household tasks.

Event volunteers join trained A Little Help volunteers to form small teams and tackle a multitude of tasks.  A Little Help Service Saturdays! are great opportunities to pitch in and help your neighbors. We welcome volunteers from companies, churches, groups, families, and individuals. We appreciate your help to serve and celebrate the older adults in our communities!

 If you are volunteering as a group, please be sure to include all of your group's information when registering. Just click on the county where you're interested in volunteering and you'll be redirected to details and sign-up info. Hope to see you there!


May 11 - Denver County North

May 11 - Jefferson County North


May 18 - Denver County South

May 18 - Jefferson County South

Check out A Little Helps' website for event details including before and after pictures from previous years, sponsorship opportunities and
other upcoming events!

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