FREE TRAINING: May 9, 2019
Addressing a New Epidemic: Bullying Among
Older Adults
Presented by:
Robin P. Bonifas, Associate Professor and Associate Director for Curriculum & Instruction, Arizona State University School of Social Work.
This presentation provides a foundation for participants to understand peer-to-peer bullying and other antagonistic behaviors among older adults and to learn about promising interventions to address such behaviors, along with opportunity to discuss specific issues occurring within their organizations.
Thursday, May 9, 2019
Training 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Aurora City Hall, City Council Chambers
15151 E Alameda Parkway, Aurora, CO
Please arrive at 12:30.
Absolutely no food or drink is allowed into the City Council Chambers.
*Professional development CEU’s are available.
Professionals Who Should Attend
Social work practitioners, medical, psychologists and mental health, legal/judicial, law enforcement officials and personnel, home care placement agencies, court-appointed guardians and conservators, community-center board staff and clergy. All of the above – whether paid or unpaid.
CCERAP provides training at no cost, thanks to financial support from the Older Americans Act, disseminated by the Colorado Department of Human Services, State Unit on Aging.
Live Streaming, to be used only by people outside the Denver Metro Area: and click on the “Live” window in the upper left quarter of the page.
More Details
What is Bullying?
We will review the definition of bullying, the range of incidents that commonly occur, characteristics of older individuals who bully their peers, characteristics of older individuals who are the targets of peer bullying, and the impact bullying has on older adults.
Ways to Prevent Bullying?
Primary emphasis is given to a multi-level intervention framework for addressing buying in senior housing and senior service setting and easy-to-implement interventions that providers have found useful in minimizing such behaviors.
What Are Your Challenges?
Participants will have an opportunity to discuss specific difficulties they are having in their own organizations and receive feedback from the presenter and from one another.
About the Panelist
Robin Bonifas, Ph.D., MSW.
Associate Professor and Associate Director for Curriculum & Instruction, Arizona State University School of Social Work. Author of Bullying Among Older Adults: How to Recognize and Address an Unseeen Epidemic (Health Professions Press, 2016).
Robin received her master’s and doctoral degrees in social work from the University of Washington. She was named the John A. Harford Faculty Scholar in Geriatric Social Work in 2011. As a social gerontologist, she is focused on long-term care, elder abuse, and the resilience of older adults.
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