Thank you PHP and Kalee
with Simply Denver Homes!
At Maintain Me, we recognize the difficulty in acknowledging increased care needs. We also do our best to support our clients in remaining as independent and safe as possible. Sometimes we have clients that truly need a higher level of care. We also have clients who are in need of some guidance to their next move. We are always here to lend a listening ear!
May came to me after having a discussion with her primary care provider. She had identified some different needs and with the expertise of her provider, they came to the conclusion she and her sister needed more support.
After reaching out to May and discussing her needs and wants further, May decided she wanted to remain independent in all areas and could continue her care regime for her loved one. I was there to empower her in this decision and also provide support for future planning if she ever changed her mind.
She ended up not pursuing a transition through Maintain Me, but I was able to successfully get her the resources she needed to make her next move. With the guidance of her heart and the support of her realtor, I am happy to report she has moved into her new, comfortable apartment and is feeling at ease!
As always, thank you to our wonderful community for allowing Maintain Me to help your clients along this journey!
Kristi Yakel, LSW
Case Manager
Maintain Me