
What's not to love about Halloween?
No. Seriously. What's not to love?!

Leaves changing, Crisp nights, Holidays right around the corner. Deep Sigh.

Or maybe sugar-crazed children running amok in the streets is the image that pops into your head first. Fair enough. BUT Halloween is actually a holiday with tons of traditions which is great when it comes to including your senior loved one. Traditions trigger fond memories, funny stories and help seniors stay connected with family. 

Lets start with the obvious. Pumpkin Carving. Easily done seated at a table, if dexterity is an issue then they can help with baking the pumpkin seeds. You do bake the seeds right??? 

Speaking of baking... that's another great Halloween activity. Cookies, cupcakes, you name it. Pinterest has more creative ideas for baked goods than you can get to before the 31st. 
Here's a link for a cute baking project

In that same arena is crafts. Pinterest is a great resource for ideas if you're not sure what to do. Craft stores like Michael's have great pre-cut, self adhesive foam kits that are all deeply discounted the week or two leading up to Halloween. As of this week most Halloween craft items were 60% off. 
Here's a link for a super simple craft

If Grandma or Grandpa know how to sew you could always enlist their help with costumes. Watch a classic scary movie together. Even easier, have them pass out candy at your house. All the interaction with excited kiddos and the parade of wild costumes are worth the later bedtime. 

- Happy Halloween -