

You are invited to a special performance for older adults with dementia and their care partners by high school music honors students from Peak to Peak Charter School.

Jan, 20, 1:30 p.m.
Lafayette Senior Center, 103 Iowa Ave.
Lafayette, CO 80026

As part of a Dementia Friendly Community Initiative taking place in Lafayette, the Boulder County Area Agency on Aging, Lafayette Senior Center, and Peak to Peak Charter School are working together to make this performance available. Research has shown that music provides a profound avenue for engagement and satisfaction for people with dementia, including positive impacts on alertness, mood, engagement, and cognition. Caregivers find connection, community, a sense of normalcy, and positive support for their relationship with their loved one. The performance lasts less than an hour, with time for visiting following the entertainment.

Please come and enjoy!
There is no charge, but seating is limited, so please RSVP to 303-678-6116, orInfoCaregiver@bouldercounty.org.

Information & Assistance for Aging Well  www.BoulderCountyHelp.org